Friday 23 September 2016

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Pretty Pictures Part 2

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Pretty Pictures Part 1

Modern Warfare's campaign is simply put, amazing!!! The graphics, sound, and AI are top-notch. The story is also pretty fun. The game has a wide variety of weapons to encounter and takes place in various unique localities such as Azerbaijan, Russia, and Ukraine. It truly is a great game and I'd urge if you've not played it to consider getting it.

Outerra Pretty Pictures

Outerra is a planetary graphics engine. The specific version I played was called Anteworld. It's a 1:1 replica of the entire planet. It renders vegetation, landscapes from real world map data and some few man-made features such as roads and runways. The vegetation and terrain is rendered fractally hence the game size isn't as big as one may initially think.

It was a pretty fun experience especially from a technical perspective.